Middle Tennessee ASSP Meeting

  •  November 11, 2024
     11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Topic Driver Safety

Speaker Keith Bain, CSP

Keith Bain (recently retired) has 38 years experience as a risk engineer and is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and a National Safety Council (NSC) Defensive Driving Course (DDC) Instructor.

Keith is a former Senior Commercial Auto Specialist located in Nashville, TN who was responsible for providing risk engineering services to clients with business auto and commercial motor vehicle fleets. He worked in loss control for over 38 years and worked for Chubb since 1987.

Keith worked to tailor initiatives to achieve the client’s prioritized goals, address leading loss indicators, reduce employee injuries and protect company assets. Past client services that Keith has provided include fleet loss analysis and trends, risk assessments and risk management reviews, high risk driver management initiatives, driver management training, fleet safety policy development, commentary driving sessions, regulatory audits and consulting, distracted/fatigued driving programs and more.

Keith is a member of the American Society of Safety Professionals, the National Safety Council, the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety, and the North American Transportation Management Institution.


11:30am Lunch
12:00pm Presentation

Lunch Sponsor Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance (TOA)

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Venue:   Greater Tennessee ABC (Associated Builders and Contractors)

560 Royal Parkway, Nashville, Tennessee, 37214