May 6, 2025
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity for a safe day of shooting. This event will be fun for the beginner as well as seasoned shooters alike. All proceeds support Middle TN ASSP professional development activities.
10am Registration Opens
11am SHOOTING BEGINS with lunch to follow in clubhouse.
Sponsorship Opportunities
$1,200 Title Sponsor
- One 4 Shooter Team
- Event Signage
- Station Signage
- Logo on T-shirt
$900 Lunch Sponsor
- One 4 Shooter Team
- Lunch Signage
$800 T-Shirt Sponsor
- Logo on front of shirt
$500 Station Sponsor
- Setup table and signage at one station
Registration includes a round of sporting clays with 50 targets, lunch, shells, PPE, and a shoot T-shirt.
For more information feel free to contact Jay St. Pierre jay.stpierre@hoodcontainer.com 931-535-4235, Lisa McClain lnmcclain@mcgtn.net 931-553-5186 or Brendan Kinsella kinsellab@bakerconcrete.com 513-582-2507
Venue: The Nashville Gun Club